Game Launch


I'm writing this a little bit later than the game was actually uploaded, but it's finally out! I may retread a lot of ground I covered in the opening and closing of the rulebook for the game, so please bear with me.

To be frank, making a TTRPG is probably one of the simpler types of games that one could make. You don't have to be skilled in the mediums of graphics, audio, or storytelling—but in that way it is like an ultimate test of a game developer's core skillset. The only thing on display is your mastery of game mechanics; how well can you build and balance a game? Your writing and editing abilities are put to the test, although to a lesser extent.

I think I'm satisfied with the level of quality I've achieved with my current skillset. And I've achieved what I've set out to do with this project as well: I made something that beginners can enjoy. I'm unsure if those who are fully accustomed to or enjoy rulebooks packed with content will enjoy S&S, but I wholeheartedly hope that beginners and experts alike can enjoy the game. However there's still work to do before the can truly be considered complete.

A glaring issue with the game currently is that GMs have to make all of the items and monsters for their campaign. This is unacceptable and can impact how accessible the game is for new players. The first things on the chopping list will be form fillable character and party sheets, as well as a rulebook for Game Masters, which will include items, monsters, and other assets. If you would like, please continue to observe the development of S&S.

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